*Let me just start by saying that it will be impossible for me to discuss this film without going into spoiler territory. I will save the spoiler stuff towards the end of the review where I will place another warning should you read this review before seeing the movie. Everything up to that point will be spoiler free. I urge you to see this movie as soon as possible in order to not have it spoiled for you because, man...it's a doozy! It's no mistaking that the name M. Night Shyamalan (as of late) has become synonymous to the public with terrible movies. Let me warn you, I am a HUGE Shyamalan fan, and if that means my view might be a bit biased, well, so be it. I like to think that I can be open-minded, and I am fully aware that all of his films are not "good" in the common movie-goer sense, despite my liking them all. The man has had an interesting career, one that can easily be tracked through the films he's made. The Sixth Sense was and is a mas...