Oscars 2021

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, the Oscars are in full swing! In what can only be described as a unique and crazy year, 2020 has offered up some really great pieces of cinema! I did my best to catch everything, but it was tough! I can say, though, that I have seen just about everything that was nominated. So, after much deliberation and many, many viewings, here are my predictions for this year's winners! I don't know if there are any clear front runners; there are a lot of choices that I want to see win, choices that I didn't necessarily choose TO win, but who knows! Let's see how many I can get right! Check back Monday for the results! *UPDATED: The winners are in! Winners are in BLUE and my incorrect guesses are in RED . Got 18 out of 23 this year! Not bad! BEST PICTURE THE FATHER , David Parfitt, Jean-Louis Livi and Philippe Carcassonne, Producers JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH , Shaka King, Charles D. King and Ryan Coogler, Producers MA...