The Oscars 2017
The Movie Super Bowl is upon us! Below you will find my predictions for the 2017 Academy Awards! 2016 had so many awesome movies and a ton of amazing performances! Last year I guessed 10 correct winners out of 24. Not too bad, but this year I'm hoping to maybe double that! It's tough to separate the picks you think will win and the picks you want to win. Had to use the head, not the heart. Here's to being optimistic! The Oscars will be held Sunday February 26, so tune in and come back on Monday the day after to see how well I did! *UPDATED 2/27/17 - This year's Oscars were pretty interesting, with an ending that will go down in history as one of the craziest! So, I've updated the list below. Selections that won will be highlighted in BLUE , my incorrect guesses will be STRUCK OUT IN RED , and the selections I thought would be cool to win or one's I wanted to win despite what I voted for are in GREEN . When all is said and done, 2016 had some amazing fi...