"Transformers: The Last Knight" Is Action, Spectacle, and...That's It. Just Action and Spectacle
I don't know if I have the stamina to go on and on and on and on about Transformers: The Last Knight. The Transformers movies have become hollow shells that pump out insane, bloated action with little to no character or story. The first one is arguably the best, but after that...oy vey. I honestly couldn't remember what happened in the last movie, Age of Extinction, so I watched it before seeing The Last Knight. It's easily the worst of the bunch, which I guess is a compliment to The Last Knight? Look, the Transformers movies are the epitome of popcorn movie-going. They are pure spectacle with no substance. You literally do not have to invest a single ounce of brain power when digesting these movies, and you'll probably still be entertained, somewhat. In the end, The Last Knight for me was just that: eyeball fodder.
Just like every other Transformers movie so far, this movie showcases the same over-done plot: Humans and Transformers are at war, Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. Revenge of the Fallen did this. Dark of the Moon did this. Age of Extinction did this. The fact that these movies all have the same essential plot points yet they all still make a butt-load of money is a testament to Michael Bay and his ninja-like film-making; he can somehow hide the same movie over and over again behind really stunning visuals and manage to fool audiences into seeing them. It's like wrapping Twinkies in different colored wrappers. No nutritional value, but at least they look cool. The Last Knight is void of any real character development, any semblance of a cohesive story, yet arguably it bolsters what I think are the best action sequences of any Transformers movie to date. The action in this movie is really, really fun and visually stunning, and easily the best part about this movie.
But other than that the movie consists of multiple plot threads that don't ever get resolved, a host of side characters that have no real influence on the story (you can literally remove a handful of characters and the movie wouldn't suffer or change one bit), and a convoluted story that makes no sense even though the premise behind it is actually kinda cool. There in lies the biggest bummer about this movie and about this franchise: the potential is there, just not the execution. Michael Bay as a director can be really good if he wants to be. I happen to be a Bay fan, despite the Transformers movies. With a filmography that includes the likes of Bad Boys, Pain & Gain, and 13 Hours, it is possible for the guy to make a movie that incorporates great story, meaningful characters with fleshed-out arcs, all encompassed by awesome action sequences. But for whatever reason, outside of the first one, the Transformers franchise seems to skimp on the things that matter in order to double down on the spectacle. The Last Knight even boasts a formidable cast, but still can't manage to elevate the movie past it's hollow shell. Mark Wahlberg is Mark Wahlberg in this movie and it's okay I guess. Anthony Hopkins is in the movie for crying out loud, and if I'm being honest, his character got annoying pretty quickly. If there was more of an emphasis on character and story, maybe the cast would have more to do than just run around and spew out lines.
If you are a fan of the franchise, I think you'll love this movie. I had fun with it, but only because the action is so engaging and visually-immersive. The opening sequence is one of the coolest, most beautiful medieval action sequences I've ever seen. It's super short, but the way it was shot made it so stinking cool to watch. Every other action scene in the movie follows suit, leading up to a frenzied third act that is completely and utterly bonkers...but fun to watch. If only there were characters involved that you actually cared about. Optimus Prime is arguably the only character most people care about (besides maybe Bumblebee), but he has very little screen time. Thankfully though he's got some great hero moments. When all is said and done, The Last Knight is nothing more than pure spectacle with no substance...and it's still gonna make a crap ton of money. In light of remaining optimistic, the one thing that this movie does do, as do the other films before it, is it manages to showcase a sense of potential. These movies could be awesome, with great story and great characters amidst great action. Maybe in the hands of a new filmmaker we might get that. But then again...
...here's to being optimistic.
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