The Best Thing About "Dumbo" is Dumbo. The Rest is...Meh
Disney's current mission to bring their animated classics back to the big screen in live-action format has been one of the more interesting choices the company has made over the years. Despite the quality of these new iterations, the question that has always floated around my mind concerning this endeavor is: WHY? Disney's animated films are classics in their own right, and the overall need for remakes of the same stories just seem unnecessary to me. That's not to say I haven't enjoyed most of them. Jon Favreau's The Jungle Book is probably the best of the bunch, and that's simply because it took a previously bland original film and made something new of it. It is within this vein that I think Disney can, and should, capitalize on this remake endeavor. Too many of these remakes have been almost carbon copies of their originals ( Beauty and the Beast , Cinderella , etc), so having a fresh take would be the best bet. This weekend marks the opening of th...