The Optimist's 2019 Top 10 List

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2019 has been a fantastic year for movies. Compiling this list was no easy task. In past years I've just given the list in no particular order, but this year I'm attempting to rank them...since that's what everyone likes. That being said, the basis for my decisions were solely on how much they entertained me. I've included a list of Honorable Mentions at the end, some of which are better-crafted films than some that made the Top 10, but craft wasn't the only criteria. Let it be known that ALL movies listed in this post are ones that I loved for one reason or another. Listing them like this is arbitrary...but it's also kinda fun, so here we go!

10. John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

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One of the best action franchises to date, this movie proves that with great storytelling and execution, you can find success even within the realm of sequels. I honestly debate whether I like this film or the first John Wick the most. Chapter 3 just builds upon the mythology and world-building of the previous two, upping the awesomeness with some of the best action choreography put to screen, and leaving you--even after the third outing--wanting more from this franchise. The fact that a third film in a series can pull this off just speaks to the kick-assery of this movie. It makes the list because of that fact; there's cohesion from the first film to this one, on every level, and I just love that.

9. Us

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I think a lot of people have forgotten about this movie because it came out almost a year ago. Jordan Peele's sophomore project was distinct and meaningful. It's an unsettling tale about action and consequences, and facing those points in life. It's creepy, stylistically slick in its telling, with wonderful performances and a score that will haunt you. I loved this movie more than I care to admit, and I'm admitting it here, so...take that for whatever it is.

8. Marriage Story

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Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson both give really emotional and raw performances in a film that explores love during the most trying time in a relationship. Director Noah Baumbach crafts a realistic narrative that places the viewer right in the thick of it, and the beauty of this film cannot go unmentioned. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. It’s truly great, and if anything, it solidifies Adam Driver as one of the greatest actors of our time. It was tough, but I watched this movie twice, and each time it brought me to tears. This movie is wonderful, so check it out if you can.

7. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

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As the epic end of a 42 year saga, this movie delivers! I’m a huge Star Wars fan and I have loved this new trilogy, even though it has become quite divisive among fans. At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and that’s fine. I found this episode very entertaining, extremely emotional, and visually stunning. The performances are great, especially from Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver. Rey and Kylo Ren are fantastic characters and their arcs in this film completed quite satisfactorily. The narrative moves like a freight train and never lets up, which makes for an exciting viewing experience. Kudos to J.J. Abrams and co. for doing a heck of a job with this film. Whether you dug this movie or not, I hope you can find peaceful discourse with those who think differently. I found it exceptionally awesome and it has quickly become one of my favorites of the year.

6. Doctor Sleep

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Mike Flanagan had a difficult task to achieve with this movie. He needed to appease the fans of Kubrick’s film The Shining while also appeasing the fans of Stephen King’s original work. As a sequel to The Shining, it’s a truly engaging and masterful tale, and the execution of this film hit every note it needed to. With great performances and a horrifying new antagonist in The True Knot, Doctor Sleep is not only a movie worthy of your time, but one that I think will gain greater praise and respect as time goes on, making it one of the greatest horror films. For sure, it’s the best horror film of the year, and one of the best pieces of horror in the last decade. I loved it.

5. Once Upon a Hollywood

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Quentin Tarantino is an auteur like no other, and when his movies come out it's like an least that's how I feel. This movie felt no different. If you couldn't tell by the title, this movie is a Tarantino fairytale set in the Hollywood of the 60s. Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio deliver award-winning performances, and I wouldn't be surprised if either of them (or both) are nominated for Oscars. The pace, the action, the dialogue, the aesthetic, the narrative as a whole just brims with authenticity, style, and that Tarantino bravado. What I love about this movie is that throughout the entire runtime you're thinking "what the heck is going on?" when suddenly WHAM! The third act hits you like a punch to the face and epically ties everything up. There is no other filmmaker like Tarantino, and this movie proves that.

4. Midsommar

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I was flabbergasted by this movie; completely and utterly gutted. Ari Aster is slowly becoming one of my new favorite directors, and this latest from him gives you a narrative experience that is unforgettable. He manages to mingle heart, emotion, and uneasy creepiness within a narrative structure that leaves you as an audience member as exposed and vulnerable as the lead characters. Midsommar is an experience. I saw it twice, haven't seen it again in months, but still find myself thinking about it. Florence Pugh gives an emotionally raw and visceral performance of a woman who, in the wake of heavy personal tragedy, finds herself in the middle of vastly uncomfortable and yet welcoming circumstances, until things start to happen that will leave your jaw dropped. Top of the list material for sure.

3. Avengers: Endgame

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This movie is significantly better than it deserves to be. It had an insurmountable task of weaving together multiple storylines in a grand culmination of storytelling that has taken place over the last ten years, and manages to do so in an extremely satisfying way. It's a beautiful film that captures the magic and wonder of comic book stories, while focusing more on the characters than the spectacle. Even on its own, it still manages to hit me in the feels, delivering unforgettable moments and equally amazing performances. I could go on and on about this movie, but I'll just end by saying that even though it's a comic book movie, it's unlike any other comic book movie. There's a reason why it's the highest grossing movie of all time: because it's that good.

2. Joker

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I wrote a whole review on this movie that you can read here if you’d like. What I will say is that this movie has no right to be as good as it is. Joaquin Phoenix gives an Oscar-worthy performance that still gives me chills when I think about it. Todd Phillips’ direction is brilliant, the cinematography is breathtaking, and the score is a character all on its own. This movie was almost my number one of the year, but only missed it by a smidge. I cannot express fully how much this movie moved me.

And now...drumroll please....

1. The Lighthouse

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Easily one of the weirdest movies I’ve seen in a long time, The Lighthouse has stuck with me since my initial viewing, and is—in my opinion—a near perfect film. The production is nothing short of masterful, and something that we haven't seen in quite a while, if ever. A story about isolation and growing madness, the entire movie follows Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson in two of the most engrossing performances in years as lighthouse keepers who find their position evermore difficult to compartmentalize as time goes on. Reality is placed into question, and you feel the isolation seeping into your bones as you watch them go mad. It's an insanely engrossing character study that blew me away. The movie is unapologetically chaotic and atmospheric, and it’s one of the most unique and need-to-see movies of the year. Director Robert Eggers is one to keep an eye on. I cannot praise this movie enough; this little review barely scratches the surface, but...yeah. See it. It’ll shake you.

Honorable Mentions:

Alita: Battle Angel
Pet Sematary
The Dead Don’t Die
Toy Story 4
Ad Astra
It: Chapter Two
The Peanut Butter Falcon
Jojo Rabbit
Knives Out
Richard Jewell


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