OvP: Movie-Going Pros and Cons
A Discord on the Merits of Attending the Cinema
Brandon Everett, The Optimist
Jens Nielsen, The Pessimist
Ah, the movies. Going to the movies is one of the most utilized forms of entertainment today. The cinema is our vessel to escapism and is wonderful and fun...unless you're The Pessimist. For The Optimist, the movie theater is my second home. However...not everyone shares my sentiment. Here before you is a comically-heated debate on the various pros and cons of going to the cinema between myself and The Pessimist. There are valid points for sure to be found in both arguments, but what is most important to gain from this is...
Optimist: So, how do you feel about going to the movies?
Pessimist: Idiotic idea, I mean really. Shall I list the reasons as you combat them in a back and forth banter that is both informative and comical?
O: Please do!
O: Snacks are criminally delicious!
P: Not only that but the blasted tickets! It's more expensive than just renting or streaming.
O: True, but even though ticket prices are so high, theaters do offer promotional deals making it affordable for just about anyone. Like discount days, and discount tickets*. Besides, what about that big screen, quality picture, and awesome surround sound?!
P: It's called a 60 inch LED TV 1080p with a Bose home theater system built into my walls. I don't even need to leave my house to get that experience!
O: But you're missing out on the great social aspect the cinema offers, hanging out with your friends, enjoying delicious snacks and a fun movie.
P: But you can't lounge around in your underwear. Boom. Oh! Plus, at the movies there's no pause button for when you have to take a bathroom break. You'd have to go before or after your movie unless you want to miss some of it!
O: Then plan accordingly! Is it really so hard to be like "Hey, I'm going to be sitting in a comfortable air conditioned theater watching this awesome new movie that I'm not going to want to miss. I better go pee now,"?
P: What about loud obnoxious people? And crying babies?
O: You could have that at home.
P: True. Got me there. But at home you can still pause the movie and tend to the issue.
O: But that just breaks up the escapism.
P: So do loud and obnoxious people!
P: Are you kidding? A packed theater is the worst. You risk sitting next to large smelly ogres, or an obnoxious child! Oh, and not to mention, I hate it when you get to the movies early to get good seating knowing it's probably going to be packed and the late-comers come in as the movie is starting and ask you to move down in order for them to have a good seat! Be on time people!
O: That's true, I'll give you that one. But that still doesn't take away from the fact that by seeing a movie at the theater on opening night you immediately gain bragging rights AND spoiler power!
P: Who loves spoilers?
O: Lots of people do.
P: What about when you leave a movie and you realize you loved it but your wife hated it? Or, when leaving a movie that you picked to see and that both you and your wife hated, but your wife is more mad because she allowed you to pick, thus making it your fault you wasted time and money?
O: That sounds like a personal problem.
P: Gah!
O: That being said though, taking a date to the movies is a great thing. You're together, in a dark theater, sharing popcorn and watching awesomeness play out before you--

O: True, but even if your date is an idiot, a good movie-going experience can still make you feel like you didn’t waste your time and money.
P: Most films are terrible.
O: Most films are NOT terrible, and we can have THAT discussion another time!
P: No bonus features!
O: IMAX and 3D!
P: Sticky floors and fart-infused seats!
O: Dressing up for your favorite movie!
P: No refund if the movie sucks!
O: Being able to rent out an auditorium for personal parties!
P: Avoiding spoilers before you have time to go!
O: New movie trailers!
P: Long lines at premieres!
O: An excuse to leave the kids at home!
P: Twilight!
O: Everything BUT Twilight!
P: ...
O: ...
P: ...
O: ...
P: Let's just agree to disagree.
O: Deal.
P: Even though I'm right.
O: Gah!
*There are plenty of options when seeking out discounted movie tickets. Here are a few:
Fandango, Costco, MoviePass
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