In light of the San Diego Comic Con coming up in a matter of days, DC has announced that there will be some new tidbits for people to nibble on concerning the highly anticipated release of "
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice". Now, this movie has one trailer and a handful of production stills floating about the interwebs and it's already being criticized as a disaster by fans. The biggest point of criticism has come from the casting of
Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne. It's been quite some time now since that news has been made, and we still have ten months before the movie even comes out. Let me tell you, I don't think it's going to be as bad as people think. Allow me to expound. It's weigh in.
For me, the perfect casting of Batman has to be able to pull off both Batman and Bruce Wayne (duh).
Michael Keaton and
Christian Bale were both able to accomplish this within their respective worlds. Let's face it, you can put anyone in a cape and cowl and they'll look the part. What makes a compelling Batman is an equally compelling Bruce Wayne. Keaton and Bale, though they brought different aspects to the role given that their iterations existed in two different universes, were able to captivate the audience with the troubled, dark, charming aspects of Bruce Wayne, while delivering an awesome Batman as well. They had the swagger as well as the inner darkness needed for the character.
Val Kilmer wasn't bad, but he fell short as Keaton's follow-up. As for
George Clooney, well...I don't think I want to touch that.
Why people think Ben Affleck would make a horrible Batman is beyond me, really. The guy can act people! And let's not forget that he's an Oscar winning director as well, which I feel only helps his case. He's aware of the importance of story and character, and anyone who decides to don the cape and cowl of the Dark Knight has to be aware of not only the fan base but the importance of bringing something to the character that not only does a decent job reflecting the source material, but in capturing the essence and spirit of the character. All of which I feel he can and will do. Keaton's Batman is completely different from Bale's and yet they both work. Why? Their great acting aside, they work because they were able to tap into the individual worlds created by the filmmakers. Therein lies the source, I feel, of all the Batfleck-hater's rage. The opinions formed from the universe built with "
Man of Steel" is ultimately going to tarnish any other aspects of subsequent films, (which for the record I found "Man of Steel" to be a phenomenal superhero movie and one of my favorite Superman films to date. I know I'm in the minority with that but oh well. That's the beauty of opinion. 'Murica!) I bet that if it was announced today that Christian Bale would reprise the role, that most people who have been hatin' on Ben would be happier than they are now about the Batman situation, yet will still feel skeptical about this movie as a whole.
Zack Snyder is one of my favorite directors, (letting the hazing begin!) Are all of his films amazing? No, but they're all fun and visual stunning and a joy to watch. For the sake of arguing the positive aspects of "Man of Steel", I'll just say that the world in which he created, I think Ben Affleck will be awesome. Why? I'll give you three reasons: the first being what I mentioned earlier in that the guy can act. Immediately after finding out he was cast, the Internet blew up with distaste for the choice simply because of one word: "
Daredevil". Granted, that's the only reference we have with Affleck in a comic book role--which he wasn't that great in--and though the movie was forgetful, blame cannot solely rest on good ole Ben, (that's right, I'm talking to you
Mark Steven Johnson. Shame). Just look at some of Affleck's recent work. If you haven't seen "
Gone Girl", then you need to! That was basically his Bruce Wayne audition! He's dark and brooding and yet somewhat charming, everything you (at least I) would like to see in a Bruce Wayne. All you skeptical people, watch that movie and then tell me he can't pull it off. Pretty much anything he's been in in the last five years should give you the indication that the acting chops are there and that Bruce Wayne is in capable hands.
The second reason why he'll work re-emphasizes the first in that he's seasoned. The Ben Affleck of fifteen years ago has been polished and refined to the Oscar winner he is today. It's been stated that his iteration of Bruce Wayne is going to be a bit older, more worn down version of the character. In a sense, he'll be able to bring his own experience to the table and apply it to the role. Every actor/director has their ups and downs, their good films and bad films. Ben Affleck as of late can seem to do no wrong. With films like "Gone Girl", "
The Town" and "
Argo", he's been able to display not only a seasoned, refined sense to his acting, but you sense his grasp on the importance of character and story has; something that is needed when it comes to Batman/Bruce Wayne. Granted, he's no
Daniel Day-Lewis, but he's pretty dang good. Personally, I think as great as his acting has become, he's proven to be a better director than actor. Which brings me to my third point.
Rumors have it that at some point DC will produce a stand-alone Batman film that coincides with the universe they're currently building, and that Affleck will not only don the cape and cowl but possibly the director's chair as well. This of course has yet to be confirmed. If it is true, I'm all for it. Yes, it's true that production companies are in the business of making money however, my naivety, if you will, lends me to think that these companies are run by professionals. There's got to be some, not all but some that are well aware of the importance of the craft of film making outside the monetary gains they produce; as an artform. We've seen multiple times where Ben Affleck has starred and directed in films that were not only amazing, but Oscar-winning. Can you imagine, if he knocks it out of the park with "Batman v. Superman" then goes on to direct a solo Batman film? My money's on the positive side. It's a win-win. It's not a for sure thing, but if it's been talked about, and it's something DC and Warner Bros. are considering, given his track record, you can't help but feel a teensy bit excited.
Let's face it people, it's just a movie. Movies are there to entertain and whisk us away from the drudgery of our lives. Yes, Batman is an iconic character, one loved by many.
Joel Schumacher's joke of a film "
Batman & Robin" nearly killed the cinematic Batman franchise. Thanks to Christopher Nolan, we have a reinvigorated sense of wonder when it comes to the Dark Knight. Let's not forget, mind you, that
Christopher Nolan, creator of the greatest Batman trilogy of all time, helped write the story of "Man of Steel" AND is an executive producer for "Batman v. Superman". If that's not a vote of confidence I don't know what is. Like I said earlier, I'm not a comic book reader so I don't have that basis to criticise from. Those who do I commend you. I see the backlash as a positive thing because it means there are people out there who are passionate about this character and the mythology that comes with it. I say we give Snyder and Affleck a chance. Let's put aside our speculations and go into this film with an open mind. It's entertainment for crying out loud. Believe me, this movie is going to make some serious bank. I would be completely surprised to see it bomb. Marvel has carved out a masterful grip on the concept of a cinematic universe. The case can be made that DC seems to be scrambling to catch up. I say let them. If it means more cool movies with awesome superheroes dishing out and saving the world, I'm all for it. Fanboys and comic book lovers will disagree, and that's fine. But to those who still think that Ben Affleck will tank as the next Batman, just remember...
...he can't be worse than this:
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