Why Are You People Leaving?! The Credits Are Still Rolling!

   So, like many people did, I attended the cinema this holiday weekend. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Movies are such a fascinating form of art and entertainment, it's hard not to be moved in one way or another. Whether you leave the theater thinking "Man that movie sucked! Why did I waste my money?!" or with a more positive outlook or runny mascara, then you really can't say that you weren't moved by the experience. The ultimate escape from reality, in my book, is the cinema. It's within this idea that movies have a profound affect on us, in more ways than one, that I wish to take a moment to both relish and vent. 

   I'd like to thank the comic book movie world for ingraining within my psyche that once a movie ends, once I've finished devouring the cinematic delicacy that I spent an exorbitant amount of money on, (no matter its varying "nutritional value"), that there's bound to be a mere morsel left after the credits for me to nibble on as I leave the theater. The concept of post-credit scenes is a fascinating one. They've become almost more anticipated than the movies they're attached to. I absolutely love this! However, I have made two observations that completely and equally crack me up and drive me insane. (I probably just have issues...but moving on...)

   Comic book films are notorious for their post-credit scenes. They pack just as much suspense, intrigue, and anticipation as the movie itself. The art of the post-credit scene, perfected by the heavily popular comic book movie world, has changed my movie-going experience forever. Never before would I, or I think anyone for that matter, find myself sitting in the movie theater watching the credits roll; the theater floor staff anxiously waiting to clean up the auditorium, all in sweet anticipation for some scene that would leave me wanting more. I mean, just a few weeks ago I found myself waiting to see a post-credit scene after watching "Heaven is for Real"! Like, no joke. I don't even know what I was expecting in a post-credit scene after that movie. It was just common knowledge; the movie was over, the credits were rolling, and I had to sit and wait for them to finish in order to see if there was just a teensie bit more. I'm not the only one. I know, because every time I do it, other patrons do as well. It's as if the last 90 minutes or so weren't enough. I needed my fix, even if I had a strong inclination that there wasn't one. (Spoiler Alert, there are no scenes after the credits of Heaven is for Real. For all you fellow post-credit scene junkies, you're welcome.)

    On the flip side of this coin, there are those who seem to be immune to the post-credit high. It's got to be from a lack of caring, which I can be okay with. However, I have a hard time believing it's due to ignorance. I mean, I'm pretty sure the fact that post-credit scenes even exist is a fairly common train of thought among movie-goers. Marvel has been doing it for years. What I've noticed recently, and this observation has come into fruition more over the last month or so, is that though there are people who wait anxiously for these tiny scenes, there's even more people that don't! Sometimes I just want to stand up and yell, "C'mon people! I know you know there's more! Why are you leaving?!" It's so strange to me that something so ingrained in our society goes unseen by so many! Then, after I yell at everyone, in my head of course, I just find myself laughing. Why? Because I'm a junkie and those people probably don't care. 

And because I'm a junkie.

   Yes it's true, not every movie has a post-credit scene to enjoy. Not every post-credit scene is enjoyable. I would know, I make sure of it. Every time. Every movie. But for whatever reason, I gotta stay. I gotta get my fix. It's ridiculous, but it's just one of the many ways the cinema has ensnared me, and most of the known world. So, are you a junkie? Or are you missing out? 


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